Light sculpture built up in clay rollers, hand painted inside with metal paint. The head mirror lamp (LED) causes a mysterious effect.
Licht-sculptuur opgebouwd in kleirollen, binnenkant met de hand beschilderd met metaalverf . De kopspiegellamp (LED), veroorzaakt een mysterieus effect.
Special colors
Stoneware, metallic acrylpaint, led lampMystery stone stoneware and porcelainMystery stoneware with metal acryl laquerMystery Old Pink : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (30*29*23)Mystery Red : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (30*26*22* )Mystery Old Green : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (30*25*19 )Mystery Old Bleu : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (31*26*18)Mystery Stone : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rollsMystery Old Purple : Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rollsMystery Stone: Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (35*26*18)
Mystery: White porcelain glaze, Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls
Mystery Old green-gold , Stoneware with metal lacquer , built up in clay rolls (30*23*20*)