Colors on the move

Colors on the Move 2024: builded in clay rolls, stoneware Glaze

Stoneware - glaze purple
H40cm W28cm

Builded in clay rolls – painted in different layers of color paint

Multiple arms Colors on The Move
Colors on the move multiple arms h35cm
Color on the Move GOLD
Color on the Move GOLD A single color experiment H44cm

2023 – Color on the move peacock blue h 46cm

Color on the Move – BlueGreen

2023 – Color on the Move Heavy Red h 46cm

Color on the Move – Red

2023 – Color on the Move Green

Color on the Move – Green

2023 – Colors on the Move – Trilogy

Colors on the Move – Trilogy

2023 – Colors on the Move – see the colors change – click on image for video

multidisciplinair kunstenaar